Dimension Functions

3D Dimensions

If you want to add several of the same types of markup, you may select the Lock tool checkbox that appears when you select a markup command. This will allow you to keep adding the same type of markup to the scene until you click Stop.

Copy to Clipboard

When a Dimension is created a Dialog box appears that allows you to copy to the “Clipboard” the displayed value.

NOTE: You can move this Dialog box anywhere you want.  This goes for any of the Dialog boxes of this type.

To copy to the “Clipboard”:

  • Create the desired dimension
  • The dialog box appears
  • Select the Copy button
  • Paste the value into the desired document

Note: You can also right-click on the Dimension Markup already created and select “Copy”

Change the Unit Value

You can change the default dimension units displayed in the Markup on the fly by selecting the “Units” drop-down box (Length, Angular, and Weight) and select the desired Unit. Once changed, any new dimension Markup will display the selected units.

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